
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fighting my own demons

I am not well and I am perfectly aware of it. Some days I am all smiles and laughters. Some days I am all grumpy and irritable. Some days I am all giddy and excited about everything. And some days I am all about worries for my future and what has been happening of my life. But I am fighting my own demons because I  know that no matter how mean, ruthless, crazy I can be, like all other humans, I deserve happiness. And that I owe it to myself to be in a happy disposition no matter what. That alot of people count on me. That there's that one person whose day I could ruin if I keep riding this rollercoaster. That somewhere in the world a newborn is struggling to complete the first 24 hours of his life. That someone's in deep coma for years and yet his family still have that tiny spark of hope that one day he comes back to life. Fight your own demons. Being depressed is not worth it. There's more to life than being sad. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Maddening, challenging, frustrating

I used to think love is all about sweet nothings, dinner dates, hugs and kisses, love letters and flowers and sex. Then reality hit me. Its a fleeting feeling. Love is relative to the present time, state of mind and situation. Its a constant effort to stay inlove and work out whatever seemed hopeless. Its a constant battle with ones own demons, the other person's demons and all the other demons around. It's not an easy battle and sometimes you find it pointless. But at the end of the day its the feeling of having someone who shares the same heartbeat as yours that matters most or in most cases its the coffee you share the morning after or that last cigar stick from last night or the morning breath from each other, the silly hugs and kisses and teasing, the pillow fight or the morning walk haunting for food. 

Photo taken way back in 2009 using Samsung i450 camera phone. Location: Naga, Cebu 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Afternoon Sesh

It's 3am EST and 3pm local time. And then, that I-cannot-sleep-and-I-don't-why feeling is getting on me. Must be the hot weather or the sun directly burning my black curtain and my dark sarong. 

I am thinking and I can imagine her saying, you got your thinking face on. Yeah, but I don't even know what I am thinking about. I just can't point a finger to it. I remember browsing old Facebook albums and realized how much weight I have gained over the years. To be honest, I just wanna disappear. A month or two maybe. Figure a few things. I don't really know. I cannot just pause my life just because I don't know how to go on. I badly need a guide and to tell you honestly, my prayers aren't even working.  Or I might not have prayed enough. I am still waiting for the one little sign. Hoping it will make all sense in the end.