
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lunar Eclipse

I first read on  Twitter yesterday about an upcoming Lunar eclipse and since my BB Social subscription have limited access to the internet I didn't get the chance to know as what exact date it is happening.

I set my phone to its usual alarm time (at 3am) before dozing off at 8pm last night. Upon the first note of the alarm I suddenly woke up and reached for my Samsung phone and surprised to see a text message. I read it and I couldn’t believe my luck. It was a GM from Alex saying that a lunar eclipse is happening. It usually takes me a couple of snoozes to drag me out of bed but I got up and found my way up to the rooftop. It was a chilly dawn as it rained the night before. I first search the eastern part of the sky. I was surprised to see that the sky was clear and a lot of stars were visible. However, I couldn’t find the moon. I was about to give up when I decided to finally give the west side a try and there it was – a reddish Luna about to be summoned by the Earth’s shadow.

I thought of getting a camera to capture this rare celestial happening but I hesitated. For awhile, I stared at it and decided to go back to our unit to prepare for work (I got an hour left before my shift starts but I cant risk it).  I even posted this status on Facebook.

I checked the time and thought I still got plenty to spare so without hesitation I took out the camera, swapped the camera’s lens with a Canon 55-250mm EFS lens. I hurdled the steps up and started taking pictures of the Mars-look-alike Moon. I didn’t take that much decent picture though as I forgot to bring a tripod with me and my glasses started to become foggy. I have to do with resting my arms on the ledge and that served as a tripod.
Here are a few shots. Fair enough for a rookie like me. This is my second attempt of capturing the Moon.

This one is kind of the "edited" version. I have to adjust the contrast to emphasize it. Original one is here at the bottom.

I was supposed to experiment more of the shutter speed and exposure but since I don't have a tripod with me, that experimentation turned out useless. And oh, before I forgot I have captured two stars which I am guessing part of the constellation Ophiuchus.

But I am not really in dismay as another constellation is on its way this December. So I have already marked my calendar ;). By then, I surely would tag along a tripod.

1 comment:

  1. Naa ka kuha atong moonlight over "parish" recently? hehe..
